Screenshot of Windows 10 showing

Large Cursor in Windows 10

This exciting new Microsoft accessibility feature will be available in April 2019!

Hi! My name is Tyler Sheft. Today I would like to tell you about what might just be one of the BIGGEST accessibility updates Microsoft has made to Windows in the April 2019 Update! This update is currently in beta for Insiders, and will be available in April of this year.

The new feature is the ability to make your cursor big! Finally! You now have many options for size and color. I have been asking for this feature forever, since the XP days, and I am glad it is here. You now have way more options than you had before.

See my video for a demo and how to get to the setting! In short, here are the steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Select Ease of Access, and then Cursor and Pointer, by using your mouse or by tabbing and arrowing through the options.
  3. Move the top slider (either by mouse or again by tabbing and arrowing) to adjust the size, and use the buttons below to change the color.
  4. Enjoy your large cursor!

By TS12345

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