Hands holding an iPhone with the screen facing out; thumbs & pinky holding the sides. Other fingers of both hands on screen

Using Braille Input on your iDevice

Here is an easy way for braille users to type on your iPhone!


As a teacher and a iDevice user who is blind, I get really excited about apps and other tools that I utilize on a daily basis, especially when I can pass the information along to my students and to others. A technique that I have been using for a while now that has greatly influenced the way I use my iPhone is braille input which was brought about as an accessibility feature in IOS 8. Before this wonderful little feature, I typed on my iPhone using the touch-typing method of dragging my finger around the screen, finding my desired letter or symbol, and lifting my finger to place that letter or symbol where I wanted it.  This method made any type of longer text or email a tedious task and one that I often chose to write with my computer or with a keyboard or braille display connected to my iPhone via Bluetooth. I often would dictate my texts when I was out and about, and sometimes I still do. This particular feature however is available to use anywhere a keyboard is necessary such as when taking notes, when typing in a web browser, and when filling in items such as search boxes. There are applications that do this as well, but braille input is built directly into IOS and can be accessed in the rotor function. In this post, we will discuss prerequisite skills that are necessary to access this feature, how to set it up, how to begin typing, and gestures that will make typing easier.

Prerequisite skills

In order to use braille input, one must be familiar with uncontracted or contracted braille, be able to utilize a swipe gesture on the iDevice, and be able to use the rotor function available in the accessibility and VoiceOver settings on the device.

Instructions for enabling braille input

You must also set what your preferred braille code options are and your preferred translation table is as well. The steps for that are:

Note: Eight dot mode braille input is only available on the iPad.

Using braille screen input

Once you have enabled braille screen input and set your options, you are ready to start typing in braille. I would suggest beginning in the notes application or in whichever note taking application you prefer, as braille screen input takes a little getting used to. Once in an area where you can access the keyboard, turn your rotor until you hear braille screen input. At that time, your device should tell you that you are in landscape mode, that you are in tabletop or screen away mode, and whether you are using six-dot (uncontracted) or contracted braille. Tabletop mode is where you can write with your iDevice flat on a table, with your fingers positioned in a V-shape with the index fingers at the bottom of the V and the fingers fanning up and outward. I find this mode more useful on a device with a bigger screen such as an iPad, but it depends on factors such as the size of your hands, and personal preference. Screen away mode is when you have the screen facing away from you, and the phone held with your pinkies and thumbs resting along the side edges of the phone and your fingers forming the shape of the braille cell on the screen with your index fingers (dots 1 and 4) at the top of the screen closest to you and your ring fingers (dots 3 and 6) at the bottom. You can reverse the dot positions so that dots 1 and 4 are at the bottom of the phone by going to settings, general, accessibility, voiceOver, braille, braille screen input and toggling on the option for reversing the dot positions. When you first begin to type, the device may ask you to calibrate the dot positions by placing your fingers on the screen. You can do it, but it is not necessary to begin typing. Practice typing the alphabet and different words to see how you like it, how far apart your fingers need to be, and to learn where the dots are on the screen. The following gestures can be used when in braille input mode:


Braille screen input can be used on your iDevice in several different ways including in tabletop or screen away mode, and in contracted and uncontracted braille. It is an option that does not include the use of another device such as a Bluetooth keyboard or braille display. It can be used instead of or in conjunction with the other on screen keyboarding options. It is quick to set up, fun to play with and most importantly can be an incredible tool to maximize the usefulness of your device. It may take some getting used to, so give yourself some time with it and you will hopefully find it a helpful typing tool. Thanks for reading and feel free to contact me 

By Lyric1985

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