Braille Sign with the printed text

Braille Club

Strategies to include the sighted student in the Braille World and beyond.

Braille. Say this to a student who is blind, you may get a groan; say this to a sighted student, and you get a more enthusiastic response.  One of the most challenging areas in teaching students with Visual impairments is to keep them motivated and made to feel a part of the mainstream.  Below are a few ways I have found work extremely well, and make the education process enjoyable for everyone.

A smiling girl wearing a braille shirt holding her cane standing in her classroom.

iPad with text in print with APH braille display showing same text in braille and Bluetooth keyboard.

These are just a few ways I have found to include students who see, into the world of those who don’t.  One of the students, who joined Braille club, later told his mom “Emily was so cool, and just like me”.  As special educators, I think we are so consumed with making sure our kids are adapted to the sighted world, that we forget it is others that need to be educated on our “sightless” world as well. The more we know, the better we are prepared to face challenges, differences and opportunities.


By Michela Tavolieri

Butterfly life cycle

Butterflies part 2: Butterfly life cycle

Smiling woman sitting on a campus bench studying on her laptop.

Reading Chegg eTextbooks with low vision

evaluation checklist form

Instructor evaluations and low vision