
Algebra’s Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

A lesson plan to teach students with visual impairments to graph equations related to real life situations.

Student will learn about how we graph equations with two variables in order to compare which real life problem will work better.

In this lesson, student will compare two equations using a hypothetical bake sale. This lesson will help reinforce algebra lessons for students working in high school math courses. It will help TVIs practice using spreadsheets to reinforce math concepts and solving problems involving inequalities and reasoning using mathematics. 

1. Questions to get started:

2. Using two spreadsheets, layout the problem in both ways, i.e., selling many items at lower price to reach $500 or selling higher priced items to reach $500. Have your student write a narrative for both sides and way the pros and cons for each scenario.

3. Ask your student what equation he/she could use to compare the two scenarios? What would be a quick way to explain this problem mathematically? Have your student set up the equation to represent both potential scenarios as if he/she was explaining it to someone much younger.

4. Have your student graph two different scenarios using their spreadsheet and tactile graph paper.

By Tara Mason

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